This study was a planned subanalysis of the PROPPR trial.
If you can remember, this was an RCT looking at a blood products transfusion ratio
of 1:1:1 vs. 1:1:2 (platelets, plasma, PRBC’s) in trauma patients with exsanguinating
haemorrhage. There was no difference in the primary outcome.
But the PROPPR trial also collected observational data on time to massive transfusion (MT) activation
and time to blood product cooler arrival. Could
mortality and other outcomes be predicted by these times? Time for some subanalysis…
I’ll start with the conclusion of this observational study;
“…every minute from
time of massive transfusion protocol activation to time of initial cooler
arrival increases odds of mortality by 5%.”
You will very likely hear this quoted in the future. Unfortunately,
it is not only misleading but likely
First, it is not
absolute mortality but rather “odds.” This concept of “odds” is challenging
to comprehend and relies on relative numbers.
In addition, there was very likely residual confounding that was responsible for the differences in
mortality. The timing of MT activation and cooler arrival was not randomized.
The authors did make attempts at a few adjusted analyses for some identified confounders such as
injury severity, physiology etc. and this was a bit hit and miss. There were some statistical differences and some
trends. But nothing very clear. Of course, these adjustments are always
difficult and are based on many assumptions.
The authors then go on to discuss how their results may be analogous
to STEMI teams, door-to-balloon time, stroke teams etc. All of this is a bit
I don’t have an issue with recognizing the need for massive
transfusion quickly and getting blood products to the bedside as fast as
possible when needed. But this is based
on common sense and not this study.
So, when you hear “it
is proven that there is a 5% increase
in the odds of mortality for each minute delay…” you can shake your head in
either a 1:1:1 or 1:1:2 fashion.
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